Daredevil #16
Marvel Comics
Written by Saladin Ahmed
Art by Aaron Kuder
Colors by Jesus Aburtov
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Matt faces more turmoil in his personal and professional life as his demons continue to hunt him.

The demons released after Matt returned continue to wreak havoc in his life as he is being sued by his former best friend Foggy Nelson. A suit that could shut down the orphanage and put the kids on the street or back in the system. Matt calls for help from She-Hulk and after paying his old friend a visit and seeing the demon connected to him, Jennifer tells him she can’t take the case.
With his options running out, Daredevil continues to fight the good fight while also looking for the missing child from the orphanage. Unfortunately, the demon Wrath will find Daredevil and Matt will discover what happened to the boy after discovering something dark connected to one of his greatest enemies.
The Story: Ahmed continues to craft an entertaining story with this arc, but it is starting to run out of steam for me. The plot is starting to get predictable and the demons coming after Matt are losing any emotional punch they could have. I knew what was happening to Foggy from the last issue and the lack of resolution was an unnecessary tease. The only thing saving this story is the ultimate showdown with Wrath and I have a suspicion I already know how that one is going to go as well.
The Art: Kuder delivers great art throughout the story. I really enjoyed the visual style and what the story allowed him to do with the characters.