Daredevil #12

Marvel Comics

Written by Saladin Ahmed

Art by Aaron Kuder

Colors by Jesus Aburtov

Letters by Clayton Cowles

The Rundown: Daredevil and Elektra take on a possessed Kingpin, but the weight of Matt’s sins might be his undoing.

Possessed by the spirit of Greed, Wilson Fisk battles both Daredevil and Elektra and Matt is not doing well. With the weight of all the demons he has faced before on him, he struggles to find a way to rid his most dangerous enemy of a power that is clearly giving him an advantage.

At the same time, Jason tries to return to St. Nicks while being chased by a dark entity that has targeted him. An entity that will not rest until it has consumed the place Matt Murdock calls home and the children he is protecting.

The Story: Ahmed crafts a thrilling and suspenseful story in this issue. The plot crafts a wonderful dilemma for Matt as the battle with Fisk is ferocious and meaningful to the journey this version of Daredevil has been taking. There are some wonderful moments for the character in the story and I love that the suspense of Matt’s battle is matched by the impending danger coming to St. Nicks. The ending was surprising as well and I look forward to seeing how it plays out.

The Art: Kuder delivers some great art throughout the issue. I love the visual style of the story and how dramatic the action looks.

Daredevil #12



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