Crush and Lobo #1
DC Comics
Written by Mariko Tamaki
Art by Amancay Nahuelpan
Colors by Tamara Bonvillain
Letters by Ariana Maher
The Rundown: Crush adjusts to life outside of Teen Titans Academy. Meanwhile, Lobo benefits from therapy.

Crush battles aliens in New York City. Afterwards, she attends her girlfriend’s birthday party and disaster strikes. Later, Crush reveals something unexpected while conversing with a good friend. She then makes a tough decision. Elsewhere, Lobo has a comforting exchange with a caretaker.
The Story: The first chapter in this series follows Crush after her departure from the Teen Titans Academy. Tamaki has crafted a snarky, yet comedic narrative that illustrates the struggles of a perceived outsider. There are several relationships and world building content that I found interesting. I am curious to see how this story line will develop.
The Art: Bonvillain uses bold, brilliant colors to highlight Nahuelpan’s detailed drawings. The character expressions and forms are emotionally connective. This is a well crafted issue that is engaging and transportive.