Crossover #8
Image Comics
Written by Donny Cates
Art by Geoff Shaw
Colors by Dee Cunniffe
Letters by John J Hill
The Rundown: With the truth revealed, Ellie and Ryan will find themselves in the middle of a new problem.

In a secret underground prison a man tells the story of the previous arc and reveals that he might be the architect of the entire event. An event whose outcome has been drastically changed from his original design. Out in the world, Ryan confronts Ellie after finding out who she really is and she confronts him about his actions and his father’s plans. The two are interrupted by Walker and Pilgrim from the comic Powers who aren’t after Ellie, they’re after Ryan.
After being taken to the Powerhouse, Ryan is given another mission. A rash of comic book writer murders have prompted an investigation and someone in custody might have a clue as to where they need to look. Someone who will only talk to Ryan himself. Someone Ryan knows very well.
The Story: Cates brings the reader back into the world of Crossover with a great new arc. The tension between the characters is great and makes for great drama while the underlying mystery continues to be both compelling and intriguing. I continue to be impressed with the meta moments throughout the story and the cliffhanger ending has hooked me to keep reading on. I love the cameos as well and cannot wait to see how this story expands and evolves.
The Art: Shaw delivers some beautiful art throughout this issue. I continue to love the style and difference between the comic characters and the real world. A great looking story from start to finish.