Crossover #6
Image Comics
Written by Donny Cates
Art by Geoff Shaw
Colors by Dee Cunniffe
Letters by John J Hill
The Rundown: Ellie is determined to get Ava back home, but there are more dangers ahead and more secrets to be revealed.

As Ava manifests her powers to fight back against the army sent to kill her, Ryan takes matters into his own hands and finds himself on the business end of Ellie’s sword hilt. Given the choice between doing what he’s been told is his destiny to do and the choice to make his own, Ryan decides to follow Ellie, Otto and Ava into the unknown. An unknown that unlocks into an epic battle across the city with comic book characters slugging it out against each other and other evils.
In order to get away from the fighting, the group locates a bombed out building only to find it swarming with zombies. After a last minute save, they are able to get Ava through the dome, but a tragedy will break up the group and Ryan will discover that there is more to Ellie that meets the eye.
The Story: Donny Cates brings this epic story to a brilliant and beautifully conceived cliffhanger. Cameos aside, I am glad Cates centered the plot on this small group of characters. We’ve been given the opportunity to get to know them, their struggles and their personalities. Knowing what we know about the characters make the reveal at the end all the more exciting, unexpected and surprising. I cannot wait to see where the next arc of this story goes next.
The Art: Shaw delivers some beautiful character art and action. The splash page reveal is epic and I continue to be impressed with the style and tone of the art in this series.