Crossover #10
Image Comics
Written by Donny Cates and Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Geoff Shaw and Michael Avon Oeming
Colors by Dee Cunniffe and Nick Filardi
Letters by John J Hill
The Rundown: The investigation into the comic book writer murders will lead to a surprising revelation.

Pendleton awakens from a nightmare. A nightmare that brings into focus the fragile world he lives in. When his son confronts him with a question he can’t answer, he reminds him of the differences between them and the comic book heroes populating their world. In the aftermath, he is called to the scene of a dead robot outside the dome and things get weirder when he discovers that the dome itself is getting bigger. He also discovers that Ellie has been telling Deena and Christian about a dangerous theory.
At the same time, the detectives find themselves interviewing their creator Brian Michael Bendis about the rash of comic book creator murders. In the course of their surreal interrogation, Mike Oeming is brought in as well and the two of them come up with a theory for not only who is killing their fellow writers, but who might be the mastermind behind everything. A revelation that leads Pendleton to question the man they keep in the darkest part of their facility.
The Story: Cates takes readers on a wild ride in this one. The meta elements of the story continue to be incredibly fun and entertaining. There’s some great twist and turns in the story and the inclusion of Bendis and Oeming is both hilarious and engaging. Cates has created an incredibly compelling and interesting world in this story and I continue to be impressed with the evolution and directions the story takes. I absolutely love the way this issue ended and I cannot wait to see what happens in the next.
The Art: Shaw does some amazing visuals throughout the story. I also love the fact that Oeming was brought in to illustrate his own part of the story. Both art styles complement the story perfectly.