Comedy Central in collaboration with All Things Comedy today announced the world premiere of Patrice O’Neal: Killing Is Easy, a new documentary based on the irreverent comedian’s life that explores the hilarious and controversial material he left behind. Directed by Emmy-winning filmmaker Michael Bonfiglio (Gary Gulman: The Great Depresh, Jerry Before Seinfeld), Patrice O’Neal: Killing is Easy is told through the eyes of the people who knew him best including Bill Burr, Kevin Hart and Colin Quinn who reflect on this true original, a man who never achieved the success that many believed he was due and whose untimely death at the age of 41 left many wondering what could have been.
“There’s no way to express what comedy lost with the passing of Patrice O’Neal,” said Bill Burr. “I feel fortunate to have known him and I’m hoping this documentary will introduce his work to a new generation because he was one of the greatest comedians ever.”
“I am so proud to have completed this documentary about Patrice’s life and legacy, which will ensure his memory and comedy is kept alive, and continuously introduced to future generations,” said Von Decarlo. “It also warms my heart to see him get his well-deserved, starring role in a film.”
O’Neal was your favorite comic’s favorite comic. After starting his stand-up career in Boston, he burst onto the flourishing New York comedy scene of the late 1990s with his unflinching explorations of race, gender, and other topics that are as relevant today as they were at the time. With a style that was provocative, combative and always hilarious, O’Neal strived for something even more meaningful than laughter: the Truth. As flawed as he was brilliant, his refusal to compromise led to clashes with his peers and the industry, and he struggled for acceptance throughout his career.
Patrice O’Neal: Killing Is Easy is executive produced by Bill Burr, Al Madrigal and Michael Bertolina of All Things Comedy, Von Decarlo, and Michael Bonfiglio who also serves as director (May It Last: A Portrait of the Avett Brothers, Doc & Darryl, You Don’t Know Bo). Ryan Moran and Gabriella Yacyk are the Executives in Charge of Production for Comedy Central.
The World Premiere of Patrice O’Neal: Killing Is Easy debuts on Friday, February 19 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on Comedy Central. The title will be available post-premiere on the CC app, On Demand and Download to Own platforms.