Best Jackett Press
Written by Scott Snyder
Art by Francis Manapul
Colors by Francis Manapul
Letters by Andworld Design
The Rundown: Sam Dunes makes his way to the tower to turn off the veils, but a bigger secret is yet to be revealed.

Sam has partnered with the wife of one of the most powerful men in the veil business to infiltrate the Golden Gate tower and turn them off once and for all. Unfortunately, he finds resistance when the man himself decides to kill his own wife and program his bots to prevent Sam from gaining access.
As Sam decides what to do next, things get even more complicated when the man who has been using a veil to pretend to be him reveals himself and when the veil finally falls, Sam’s life, case and mission come full circle with a revelation that could change everything.
The Story: Snyder brings this story to a brilliantly dark and intriguing ending. There is great tension throughout the story and that tension builds on itself with every reveal right up until one that I did not see coming, but made perfect sense in the scope of the story itself. Snyder builds on that moment by slowing things down and making them personal for Sam and those final moments make for great drama and storytelling.
The Art: Manapul delivers some beautifully detailed art on every page of this issue. From the veils to the dark moments, the art comes to life in every panel and draws the eye.