Clear #3
Best Jackett Press
Written by Scott Snyder
Art by Francis Manapul
Colors by Francis Manapul
Letters by Andworld Design
The Rundown: Sam’s investigation will lead to uncovering secrets people will kill to protect.

Sam uses the worst moment of his life to bring himself back to reality. A moment where he lost everything good in his life and how that loss sent him on the downward spiral that left him alone. After coming out a veil induced simulation, an angry Sam goes after the men who dosed him and discover that their leader has a connection to his dead wife Kendra.
Sam soon discovers that his wife had secrets. Secrets that included a connection with the group she was sent to investigate and their mysterious leader Hamelin. He also learns what Kendra was doing with the group and how her plan would require a massive amount of power from a specific location. One that the rich and powerful would do anything to protect. When Sam returns to his previous client, he discovers that she had a connection to Kendra as well. A connection that will put a target on Sam’s back.
The Story: Snyder gets deeply philosophical in this issue and it beautifully illustrates Sam’s tragic back story. The plot moves effortlessly back into the main story and it feels like an intense ride as Sam starts to put the pieces together. The dialogue is fantastic, especially the narration. Snyder gives so much depth to the characters that you can’t help but connect with Sam emotionally. I cannot wait to see what dark and interesting directions this story takes next.
The Art: Manapul delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. The characters and tone are perfectly realized visually and the trippy visuals of the world continue to keep me engaged.