Checkmate #4
DC Comics
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Alex Maleev
Colors by Dave Stewart
Letters by Josh Reed
The Rundown: Checkmate uncovers a disturbing plot while Superman and Lois have a long conversation.

Leviathan infiltrates The Watchtower when they are interrupted by two members of Checkmate. After a brief confrontation, the members of Leviathan disappear. A later analysis of their enemy’s DNA leads to a surprising discovery by Checkmate.
In the Fortress of Solitude, Lois tells Superman of her analysis of Mark Shaw’s plan. She then asks him for a favor that may benefit both heroes and Checkmate alike. Then they make a shocking find. Elsewhere, the members of Leviathan discuss how to proceed with their plans involving Shaw when they are confronted by enemies.
The Story: As always, this complicated series slowly reveals more of the overarching plot that Mark Shaw has for taking control of the world. However, with only 2 more issues left, I wonder of that is enough time to tie up all the loose ends. With that being said, I am still enjoying this adventure. The back and forth between Leviathan and Checkmate is exciting. And I appreciate how this story addresses how the lines of morality are often blurred when it comes to protecting a large group of people. Also, I am interested in Lois Lane’s newest discovery and the impact it may have later on in the DC universe. The next chapter is sure to be filled with more twists and reveals. And I am curious to find out what happens next.
The Art: This good looking issues uses traditional artwork and a color palate that changes with the mood and location of the story. Detailed drawings and an emphasis on character expression and form create an emotional connection with the story and allow for a transportive experience.