Mech Cadet Yu issue number 5 Boom! Studios Written by Greg Pak Drawn by Takeshi Miyazawa Colors by Triona Farrell Lettered by Simon Bowland with special guest Raul Angulo coloring the cover…
Despicable Deadpool #292 Marvel Comics Written by Gerry Duggan Art by Matteo Lolli Colors by Ruth Redmond Anyone expecting this issue to be overtly funny or a means for Wade to cleverly…
Phoenix Resurrection #3 Marvel Comics Written by Matthew Rosenberg Art by Joe Bennett Inks by Lorenzo Ruggiero Jean Grey’s peaceful, small town life is getting more complicated every day. This time, she’s…
Daredevil #597 Marvel Comics Written by Charles Soule Art by Stefano Landini Colors by Matt Milla Wilson Fisk aka The Kingpin of Crime is now the duly elected Mayor of New York.…
James Bond Kill Chain #6 Dynamite Comics Written by Andy Diggle Art by Luca Casalanguida Colors by Chris Blythe Letters by Simon Bowland Issue number six is just full throttle action from…