Westworld HBO Season 2 Episode 5 Akane No Mai It looks like the team from Delos has managed to retake the control room and they are processing the recovered Hosts control units…
Black Panther #1 Marvel Comics Written by Ta-Nehisi Coates Art by Daniel Acuna Letters by Joe Sabino Welcome to the Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda. The first thing that stands out about this…
Doctor Strange #390 Marvel Comics Written by Donny Cates Art by Frazier Ewing Letters by Cory Petit After everything Stephen Strange has put himself and his friends through recently, it’s good to…
Star Wars #48 Marvel Comics Written by Kieron Gillen Art by Salvador Larroca Colors by Guru-Efx Letters by Clayton Cowles The Rebels mission on Mon Cala is about to get really complicated,…
The Terrifics #4 DC Comics Written by Jeff Lemire Art by Doc Shaner Colors by Nathan Fairbairn Letters by Tom Napolitano The Terrifics are going on a road trip and there has…