Phoenix Resurrection #2 Marvel Comics Written by Matthew Rosenberg Art by Carlos Pacheco Inks by Rafael Fonteriz Colors by Rachelle Rosenberg A young woman named Jean is having trouble sleeping. As she…
Guardians of the Galaxy #150 Marvel Comics Written by Gerry Duggan Art by Aaron Kuder & Marcus To Colors by Ian Herring Adam Warlock is living an afterlife of quiet contemplation. As…
Captain America #697 Marvel Comics Written by Mark Waid Art by Chris Samnee Colors by Matthew Wilson Steve Rogers continues his journey across America and his latest stop might be his last.…
Phoenix Resurrection #1 Marvel Comics Written by Matthew Rosenberg Art by Leinil Francis Yu Ink by Gerry Alanguilan Colors by Rachelle Rosenberg In New York, two kids come upon a young girl…
Despicable Deadpool #291 Written by Gerry Duggan Art by Scott Koblish Colors by Nick Filardi Deadpool has been tasked with committing four murders to pay back Stryfe for providing help people the…