Batman Superman World’s Finest #25 DC Comics Written by Mark Waid Art by Steve Pugh and Dan Mora Colors by Adriano Lucas and Tamra Bonvillain Letters by Steve Wands The Rundown: Lex…
John Constantine Hellblazer Dead in America #3 DC Comics Written by Simon Spurrier Art by Aaron Campbell Colors by Jordie Bellaire Letters by Aditya Bidikar The Rundown: Constantine looks for a lost…
Green Lantern War Journal #7 DC Comics Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson Art by Montos Colors by Adriano Lucas Letters by Dave Sharpe The Rundown: John Stewart is trapped in another universe…
Wonder Woman #7 DC Comics Written by Tom King Art by Guillem March Colors by Arif Prianto Letters by Clayton Cowles The Rundown: Wonder Woman heads to space for a very important…
Superman #12 DC Comics Written by Joshua Williamson Art by David Baldeon and Norm Rapmund Colors by Rex Lokus Letters by Ariana Maher The Rundown: A kryptonite cloud threatens the city and…