Ahead of the upcoming season two premiere of the critically acclaimed Netflix series Ozark, the streaming service has released a short video recap to bring everyone up to speed ahead of the intense second season.


Join Ruth (Julia Garner) as she gives her imprisoned father a glimpse into everything he missed out on last season when the dangerous Byrdes landed at the lake in this new recap video.

In its much-anticipated second season, Ozark continues to follow Marty Bryde and his family as they navigate the murky waters of life within a dangerous drug cartel. With Del out, the crime syndicate sends their ruthless attorney Helen Pierce to town to shake things up just as The Byrdes are finally settling in. Marty and Wendy struggle to balance their family interests amid the escalating dangers presented by their partnerships with the power-hungry Snells, the cartel and their new deputy, Ruth Langmore, whose father Cade has been released from prison. The stakes are even higher than before and The Byrdes soon realize they have to go all in before they can get out.

Ozark Season 2 launches on Netflix August 31.

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