Captured in Thunderbolts #7 (Review)

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Marvel Comics

Written by: Jim Zub
Art by: Sean Izzakse

Continuing straight from the pages of Thunderbolts #5, we find the Winter Soldier right where we left him…in a holding cell located beneath a S.H.I.E.L.D. base. In issue #5, Bucky takes it upon himself to act on the vision that Ulysses had projected to everyone present, that Miles Morales (the new Spider-Man) would murder Captain America. Bucky recalls all the times Steve always came to his aid and has been there for him and decides something has to be done before this vision comes true.

In this issue #7, we see the consequences of Bucky attempting to “immobilize” Miles Morales. Bucky is captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. and now is the guest of Maria Hill, who’s only interest is the whereabouts of Kobik (cosmic cube, sentient four year old little girl) whom she see as a “cosmic bomb without anyone watching the trigger.” Steve Rogers gets wind of Bucky’s capture, none too happy, and tries to talk some sense into his old friend to hand over Kobik.

The exchange between Bucky and Steve broke my heart. Bucky, at this point, still doesn’t know that Steve has been altered to be an agent of Hydra (yup, that’s still happening). Bucky sees his friend and immediately it’s “like old times”, but Steve is very stoic and rough on him throughout the conversation even at one point stating “I’ve defended you time and again…How can I help when you keep crossing the line?” After this, you can noticeably see a change in Bucky and how he sees his closest friend that until this moment has always been with him “until the end of the line”.

Overall this issue was well written and I definitely enjoyed it. I have loved the relationship between Kobik and “Buckaroo” as well as the development of the team overall throughout the series until now. This issue really took a hard dive into the current relationship of Bucky and Not-So-Steve, giving heart and depth to Thunderbolts #7. I will continue following this series and if this current issue is any indicator, hopefully we will see a fallout and reveal of Steve to Bucky because if anyone is going to notice something isn’t right with Cap, it’s Bucky. Let’s hope.


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