Captain Marvel #36
Marvel Comics
Written by Kelly Thompson
Art by Sergio Davila
Inks by Sean Parsons and Roberto Poggi
Colors by Erick Arciniega
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Carol and her friends discover the truth behind the black suits as they fight to end their threat.

Carol Danvers, her fellow Marvels, the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy face off against Vox Supreme and his army of black suits with Tony wondering who could possibly be inside them. During the battle, Carol discovers the source of these new warriors and tells her sister to bring some of her friends to her to come up with a plan. After coming up with a plan, Moondragon transmits it to the rest of the team just as they get some much needed help from Hulkling.
As the heroes press the attack, Tony worries that if it works, Vox Supreme will get away. Carol decides that isn’t going to happen and enlists the help of her creation to fight with her. In the aftermath, the heroes capture the black suits and Carol takes off after Vox Supreme. After cornering the villain, Carol discovers that she might have inadvertently given him exactly what he wants.
The Story: Thompson brings this part of the arc to an action packed and thrilling conclusion. The story has a great energy throughout and the characters have great moments with each other. I love the banter between Carol and Tony and the humor had the right tone to be entertaining without distracting from the action. I love how big and brash this issue was and I cannot wait to see what happens next.
The Art: Davila delivers some fantastic imagery on every page of this issue. The art is beautifully detailed and as big and bold as the story itself.