Captain Marvel #35
Marvel Comics
Written by Kelly Thompson
Art by Sergio Davila
Inks by Sean Parsons
Colors by Jesus Aburtov
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Carol’s Binary form returns and the Marvels prepare to take on Vox Supreme.

Vox Supreme has taken over an entire world and believes himself to be in control of anyone who used the moniker Marvel until he finds himself standing before Carol in a form he’s never seen before. A form with power that rivals his own. As the shadow Mar-Vell moves in to attack, Phyla-Vell steps in to protect Carol as she goes after Vox Supreme. With only minutes to spare, Phyla works fast to try to free her friends from the suits they are trapped inside.
After freeing Carol and removing her from the suit, the two begin working on a way to free the others knowing that Vox Supreme is still out there. As they begin the process, Carol notices that there is something different about the form that she has created. Something that might be tied to the power of the planet itself. With her friends by her side and an emerging life form ready to fight with her, Carol finds herself facing an army that must be stopped.
The Story: Thompson crafts an exciting, thrilling and entertaining story in this issue. The story is brilliantly character-centric and the dialogue between the characters engages the reader. I really enjoyed the direction the plot is taking and how interesting the Binary part of it is becoming. Not only was the story thrilling and entertaining, but the finale was done perfectly. I’m excited for what’s next.
The Art: Davila delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. The characters look amazing and the action is visually stunning.