Captain Marvel #34
Marvel Comics
Written by Kelly Thompson
Art by Sergio Davila
Inks by Sean Parsons
Colors by Jesus Aburtov
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Carol takes on Mar-Vell in her fight to stop Vox Supreme.

Trapped in a distant star system, Carol is unable to escape the coffin like prison she’s been confined in. Calming herself and thinking about the situation clearly, she recalls something Monica was able to do as she fought to escape Vox Supreme’s dark Marvel suit. In order to escape, she will tap into forces she hasn’t used in a long time. Unfortunately, her escape does not go unnoticed and she finds herself facing off against Mar-Vell.
As she tries to reason with her old friend, she is violently attacked and defends herself. Realizing that something is wrong, Carol doesn’t hold back in stopping Mar-Vell’s attacks. As Carol finds herself trapped again, she gets a last minute rescue from an old friend. Utilizing the same gambit she used to free herself, Carol emerges into a form that will take her fight against Vox Supreme to a new level.
The Story: Thompson continues to ramp up the action and adventure in this issue. The story does a great job of giving Carol the impetus to evolve and grow in her powers as she fights to free herself. The moments with Mar-Vell are well done and engaging. The story has a great pace and energy throughout that engages the reader in some thrilling action. There are some interesting surprises throughout as well and the ending has me thirsty for more.
The Art: Davila delivers some awesome visuals throughout the issue. There are beautiful details in every panel and the action is bombastic and brilliantly detailed.