Captain America: Symbol of Truth #3
Marvel Comics
Written by Tochi Onyebuchi
Art by R.B. Silva and Ze Carlos
Colors by Jesus Aburtov
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Sam Wilson discovers a connection between the human trafficking case he’s investigating and a powerful country.
In the aftermath of his escape with Deadpool, Sam Wilson finds himself being brought before Doom to answer for being in his country unauthorized. After telling Doom the truth and listening to the lies the despot has in response, Captain America is free to go and heads back to the US to continue his investigation. An investigation that will put him right into the tense political happenings in Wakanda.
At the same time, Joaquin escapes with his cousin and takes her to a hidden SHIELD base to keep her safe. After hearing what happened to her, he heads to Mexico to investigate and discovers how the migrants are being kidnapped. A realization that will bring him into the crosshairs of Crossbones and a smuggling operation that will trace directly to White Wolf.
The Story: Onyebuchi continues to craft a tense and engaging political thriller in this issue. I love the serious nature of the story and how Sam is being utilized within it. I love the agency the character is given and how he drives the action and plot along. I really enjoy how intriguing and engaging the mystery is and I am invested in the story and its outcome.
The Art: Silva and Carlos deliver some beautifully detailed and thrilling art. I love the stoic elements of Sam’s story and how it contrasts with the espionage style visuals of Joaquin’s story.