Captain America: Symbol of Truth #13
Marvel Comics
Written by Tochi Onyebuchi
Art by R.B. Silva
Colors by Jesus Aburtov
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Steve is determined to save his son, but Sam knows the mission is bigger than the both of them.

After surviving an explosion, Sharon and Misty are both hurt leaving Steve and Sam still on their feet. Steve decides to press on and Sam has to remind him that they are a team and Sharon and Misty need their help. With Steve’s mind on Ian, the two friends clash physically and emotionally about their next move.
At the same time, Ian has been brought out to watch the events unfold with White Wolf preparing the next part of his plan. A plan Bucky and Black Widow might be working against behind the scenes.
The Story: Onyebuchi lays all out all the cards on the table or both Steve and Sam as they clash over their mission. I love the tension within the story and how it is handled both physically and narratively. There is a huge amount of conflict within Steve and having Sam there to ground him and remind him of the bigger threat they face is great storytelling that makes this issue engaging.
The Art: Silva delivers some beautifully detailed and dramatic art that perfectly captures the tension of every moment. The fight between Steve and Sam is brilliantly executed visually and I look forward to seeing what’s next.