Captain America: Symbol of Truth #12
Marvel Comics
Written by Tochi Onyebuchi
Art by R.B. Silva
Colors by Jesus Aburtov
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Steve and Sam take on the forces from Dimension Z.

Steve, Sam, Sharon and Misty find themselves caught between homegrown terrorists and alien fighters from Dimension Z. As they battle both forces, Sharon finds herself falling into an abandoned mins shaft while Steve and Sam continue to fight both their enemies and their opinions on Bucky’s hand in events.
At the same time, Bucky makes an appeal to Ian in Dimension Z. An appeal that could change everything about his next move in the Outer Circle’s game. What he doesn’t know is that there is a familiar face in the shadows who wants answers.
The Story: Onyebuchi crafts a great action story filled with great tension between Steve and Sam as well as Bucky and Ian. I liked the action a lot, but it didn’t have the same emotional weight as the story leading up to it. The Bucky/Ian conversation is well done and as interesting as Steve and Sam’s interpersonal conflict is, Bucky’s motivations seems to be more interesting and the cliffhanger at the end of the issue peaked my interest in the next part of the story.
The Art: Silva delivers some great visuals in the issue and the art manages to be both exciting and emotional at moments.