Captain America #3
Marvel Comics
Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Art by Jesus Saiz and Lan Medina
Colors by Matt Hollingsworth
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Captain America investigates a mysterious death while young Steve Rogers gets an interesting offer.

Captain America is called in by Misty Knight to investigate the murder of a local community leader. A murder that not only has magical undertones, but a direct connection to the Avenger. After consulting with Doctor Strange, Steve finds himself facing down the killer who has decided to take Steve off the board once and for all.
In Steve’s past, he continues to stand against the growing fascist movement in Brooklyn and gets the attention of a famous gangster who wants young Steve to gather information for him about a potentially dangerous plot.
The Story: An engaging and intriguing story that has some dark and compelling layers to it. The story is thoroughly entertaining with not only some unexpected thrills, but a great dark tone that drew me in. This is an exciting story for Steve Rogers and I really loved the way both stories were told simultaneously in the first few pages. I look forward to seeing what happens next.
The Art: There is a beautiful sophistication to the art in this issue. The visuals are stunning, beautifully detailed and engaging.