Captain America #1
Marvel Comics
Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Art by Jesus Saiz
Colors by Matt Hollingsworth
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Steve Rogers thinks about his past and makes changes to his present while another force plans for a dark future.

Steve Rogers continues to live in the building his mother lived in but makes a big decision about that building’s future when he gets some disturbing news. As he takes action to help his neighbors, he gets a visit from a friend who needs help from Captain America.
As Steve contemplates his life and some dark times in his past, an old enemy is beginning a new plan for the future. A plan that will require the recruitment of more enemies of Captain America and placing a target on Steve’s back.
The Story: An immensely satisfying and entertaining new story for Steve. Straczynski taps into everything that readers love about the character of Captain America and more specifically, Steve Rogers. I love the jumps in time that not only give more background and history to the character, but also seem to round out the bigger mystery happening in the series. I really enjoyed the tone of this issue as well and how it allows the character to be the center instead of focusing on the action.
The Art: Saiz delivers some beautifully detailed art in the issue. I love the visual style of the issue and how it has moments that feel like classic comics. A great looking issue from start to finish.