Canary #4
Best Jackett Press
Written by Scott Snyder
Art by Dan Panosian
Colors by Dan Panosian
Letters by Richard Starkings
The Rundown: Will and his team investigate Mabel’s childhood home while an unexpected discovery will have deadly consequences.

The mayor has decided to conduct his own experiment at the site of the mine collapse and nurse Nellie confronts him about hearing her long dead brother on the recording brought back from the last trip. At the same time, Will and his team take a trip to Mabel’s secluded childhood home to discover what happened to the Canary files Mabel’s father kept. After discovering a secret room under the house, the three will discover something even more intriguing if they live to tell about it.
At the mine collapse, the mayor discovers that the town has gotten some rich strangers in who are taking up residence in the hotel while Nellie’s brother Tommy emerges from the mine seemingly unchanged. After taking him back into town, Nellie will discover that there is something physically wrong with her brother. Something that could cost her her life.
The Story: An intense and engaging thriller from Snyder that continues to create a dark and intriguing world to explore. The issue has some fantastic mystery elements throughout it and I love how all of the story elements play off each other while also expanding the world of the series. I love the connections made throughout the story and am excited to see where it goes next.
The Art: Panosian delivers some beautifully detailed art throughout the issue. I love the visual style of the issue and how it creates mood and emotion visually through both the characters and the environments.