Canary #3
Best Jackett Press
Written by Scott Snyder
Art by Dan Panosian
Colors by Dan Panosian
Letters by Richard Starkings
The Rundown: Will and his companions investigate the abandoned mine and discover something unexpected.

Will, Edward and Mabel begin the day early and decide to head out to the mines with an invention the Doc is going to use to determine what might be down there. As they make their way to the only accessible area left, Mabel and Will discuss her father and his obsession with the mine and the area. An obsession that cost him his life.
After making their way to the mine, the Doc sends his device down and when he brings it back up, he, Will and Mabel are surrounded by a local tribe who are trying to keep people away from the area. After a series of tense moments, the three return only to discover that there is something still beneath the Earth. Something that can communicate.
The Story: Snyder crafts a tense and entertaining story in this issue. The dialogue is fantastic and does a brilliant job of expanding and evolving the characters in a way that hooks the reader. I love the standoff in the story and its intensity. I also really enjoy how Will has to fight his own legend when he is confronted with it. Based on the ending alone, I am excited to see what happens next.
The Art: Panosian delivers some beautiful environments throughout the issue. The art brilliantly captures the tone of the story as well as the scope and grandeur of its setting.