Cable: Love & Chrome #3

Marvel Comics

Written by David Pepose

Art by Mike Henderson

Colors by Arif Prianto

Letters by Joe Sabino

The Rundown: Cable fights for his life against the virus while Avery takes the fight to the Prime Conclave.

After taking down the mutated agents of the Conclave, Cable is critically injured and taken back to the resistance base. As Avery watches over him, he finds himself inside a nightmare fighting off the techno-organic virus ravaging his system. He finds short comfort in a place occupied by a memory of someone connected to Avery while the commander herself takes her forces to bring down the Conclave’s floating base.

Cable must decide whether to live or die and his decision is based on his love for Avery. As he recovers enough to go after her, they both find themselves facing off against Cicada who gives Cable an ominous warning that will spur him to do something dangerous when it comes true.

The Story: Pepose crafts a thrilling adventure in this issue and continues to showcase everything that I love about Cable as a character. I like that the story humanizes the warrior in a way that makes his story compelling and his struggles engaging to the reader. There is a great hero moment in the story that I loved and I continue to be intrigued by the Cicada character and have some suspicions on who it might be.

The Art: Henderson delivers some great art in the issue. I love the visual style and the beautifully detailed pages and panels.

Cable: Love & Chrome #3



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