Cable: Love and Chrome #1
Marvel Comics
Written by David Pepose
Art by Mike Anderson
Colors by Arif Prianto
Letters by Joe Sabino
The Rundown: Cable finds himself in a new and dangerous world in the middle of an all too familiar war.

In a dark and distant future, Cable finds himself fighting a group of Asgardian inspired terrorists before being attacked by a dangerous enemy who not only seems to know him, but will do anything to kill him. After taking desperate action, Nathan finds himself in a new world surrounded by people with the same virus he carries.
After befriending a woman named Avery, the pair find themselves under attack by a group seeking local resistance. A battle ensues and Cable discovers that this might be where he is needed. Unfortunately, his potential killer has also tracked him down.
The Story: Pepose delivers a thrilling, engaging story in this first issue. Cable has always been a great character and Pepose crafts a story for him that showcases his stoicism as well as his heart. The story crafts a new and unique world for Cable to explore along with something that is deeply personal to his own journey. I look forward to exploring more of this world with the character as the conflict has some interesting threads being crafted throughout the story.
The Art: Anderson creates some great art in the issue. The action is visually thrilling throughout and the imagery creates great emotional atmosphere.