By A Thread #1
Best Jackett Press
Written by Scott Snyder and Jack Snyder
Art by Valeria Favoccia
Colors by Whitney Cogar
Letters by Tom Napolitano
The Rundown: Jo lives in a world filled with dangers and a stranger could potentially change everything about it.

A growing phenomenon known as the Shroud has covered much of the world in a barrier that kills anything it touches. Humanity is forced into towering settlements that protect them, but those settlements are open to attack from raiders.
Young Jo and his friends try to survive as best they can, but when a marauder known as Charon arrives looking for a stranger that has something he wants, a battle ensues that will put Jo in direct path with the stranger and something that could possibly stop the spread of the Shroud.
The Story: The Snyders have crafted an interesting and engaging new world in this first issue. The story has some fantastic elements throughout and a series of mysteries that have caught my attention from the first few pages. The action is thrilling throughout and I love that the issue gives the reader the ability to know both the characters and their world while crafting scenarios that make me want to read on.
The Art: Favoccia’s art is fantastic. I love the visual style of the issue and the action is beautifully detailed and often brutal in the best way possible. There are some amazing visual moments in the first issue that tease a bigger, more visually exciting story to come.