Author Stephen King’s newest bestseller was the subject of a short, but intense auction between studios with Universal Pictures coming out on top and set to bring the story to life.

According to Deadline, director Paul Greengrass was one of the deciding factors in the decision and will both adapt and direct Stephen King’s Fairy Tale.
Fairy Tale follows the story of 17 year old Charlie Reade who discovers a hidden magical world filled with strange creatures, magic, mystery and terror. A world at war with the forces of evil and whose fate could determine the future of ours. King himself has endorsed Greengrass’ involvement in the film stating, “Needless to say, I’m a Paul Greengrass fan and think he’s a wonderful choice for this film.”

Greengrass has praised the book, calling it; “a work of genius — a classic adventure story and also a disturbing contemporary allegory.”
Paul Greengrass is the director of three of the Bourne films including “The Bourne Ultimatum” and “The Bourne Supremacy”. He is also the director of “United 93” and “Captain Phillips” as well as the most recent “News of the World” starring Tom Hanks.