Bone Orchard: Ten Thousand Black Feathers #4
Image Comics
Written by Jeff Lemire
Art by Andrea Sorrentino
Colors by Dave Stewart
Letters by Steve Wands
The Rundown: With the world falling apart around her, Trish will be forced to make a dangerous trip to a dangerous land.

A strange phenomenon is happening around the city while Trish sits in an interrogation room being grilled about the murder of the man she wanted answers from. After being accused of the murder as well as the death of Jackie, Trish fights the voice in the back of her head telling her to kill. When she finally listens to it as it tells her to escape, she encounters a horrifying scene.
In the recent past, Trish arrives at Jackie’s home right after the police call for the end of the search for the missing woman and tells her that she got into college. A confrontation that will be emotional for both Trish and Jackie’s grieving mother. Back in the present, Trish will return to Jackie’s home again to finally confront the dark entity that is plaguing her life. A confrontation that will have to take place in the dangerous land of her and Jackie’s imagination.
The Story: Lemire continues to craft an entertaining and engaging world in this issue. I love the dark tone of the plot, the dark characters and the mystery at the center of the story. This issue ramps up the tension and the terror on several levels and I am excited to see what happens now that Trish has returned to the fantasy world she has been trying to escape.
The Art: Sorrentino blends beautiful styles in the art in this issue. I love the contrast in visuals between the flashback moments, the moments between Trish and Jackie and the growing darkness of the presence forcing Trish to return.