Bolero #1
Image Comics
Written by Wyatt Kennedy
Art by Luana Vecchio
Letters by Brandon Graham
The Rundown: Discontented with her present circumstances, Devyn Dagney accepts an offer to change her life.

The relationship between Natasha and Devyn is explored from its beginning. Her friendships and work relationships are also addressed. In the present, a now sober Devyn is requested by Amina to witness a special event. She makes an appearance. Then something unexpected occurs and she meets someone interesting. Later on, she is led to an ominous location and soon finds herself in an unexplainable environment. Soon she meets Catgrass, and they offer her a chance at a new life. Devyn accepts and quickly discovers something shocking.
The Story: Kennedy crafts a dizzying yet satisfying first entry into this series. Although this appears to be a tale of alternate dimensions and mystery, at its core, it is a journey of self-discovery. I enjoyed discovering Devyn’s backstory, but it is obvious she is a woman that is plagued with demons, and I am curious to find out how she finds herself in her present circumstances. The sci-fi elements to the story are interesting and seem very promising. I look forward to the next chapter.
The Art: First, as a warning to readers: This issue is filled with adult content such as nudity and sexual situations. The art is presented in a modern design with detailed drawings and a variety of colors that change with the mood and location. The attention to expression in both form and face help to provide an emotional connection with the characters and their various activities and vibes.