Blow Away #2
BOOM! Studios
Written by Zac Thompson
Art by Nicola Izzo
Colors by Francesca Segala and Gloria Martinelli
Letters by DC Hopkins
The Rundown: Brynne continues her investigation and discovers more secrets about the missing climbers.

Brynne decides to travel into the local town to have a conversation with the law regarding the missing climbers she filmed. Unfortunately, much of her equipment is still frozen and the sheriff doesn’t believe her story based on the evidence she has.
Not getting much help and discovering that she is on a new deadline, Brynne decides to visit the town and ask questions about the missing climbers. After getting some information, she returns to her base camp and discovers more from the footage. Footage that could be dangerous to anyone that sees it as Brynne discovers she might be closer to the case than she imagined.
The Story: Thompson continues to create an interesting mystery in this issue. The story is beautifully atmospheric and the moments of isolation are palpable for the character. I love the complicated nature of Brynne and her investigation as well as the complications that arise from it. The story crafts an engaging and compelling mystery that I look forward to seeing more of.
The Art: Izzo does a masterful job of crafting and creating some beautiful atmosphere in the issue. The visuals perfectly capture the environment and the tone of the story.