Blood Hunt #2
Marvel Comics
Written by Jed MacKay
Art by Pepe Larraz
Colors by Marte Gracia
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Blade begins the next part of his plan by sending his forces to find his daughter.

Several members of the Avengers have either been captured or turned by Blade and his Bloodcoven. In the wake of their assault, Blade is in control of the Impossible City and decides to send his forces to retrieve his daughter back on Earth. A mission that will bring them face to face with Dracula and the remaining Avengers who are no longer caught unawares.
Multiple heroes fight their way through the city to the Sanctum Sanctorum to find answers from Doctor Strange. As they make their way in, they discover that Strange and Clea have their own issues to deal with in the form of Stephen’s body being a vampire. Things get worse when another of their own is revealed to be a creature of the night himself.
The Story: MacKay crafts a thrilling adventure in this follow up issue. The story adds some great character moments as well as doing something I love to see in comics, characters learning from their mistakes. I like that MacKay acknowledges the Avengers were surprised in their initial encounter and learned from it with their next. That evolution of character adds to the suspense of the story as well as the final reveal in the issue.
The Art: Larraz delivers some beautifully detailed and visually thrilling art throughout the issue. I love Larraz’s visual style and how the art captures the dark tone and adventure within the story.