Blade Runner 2029 #5
Titan Comics
Written by Mike Johnson
Art by Andres Guinaldo
Colors by Marco Lesko
Letters by Jim Campbell
The Rundown: Ash Ashina finds herself the captive of a rogue group of Replicants.

Yotun and Pekka clash with police offers in Los Angeles. But, they are able to make their escape in a newly obtained vehicle. Meanwhile, Freysa and Dysa discuss Ash’s capture. However, they are soon interrupted by an associate with vital information. Elsewhere, Ash tries to escape her captors, but quickly finds herself in an unexpected predicament.
The Story: Johnson has created an engaging and action packed narrative. I was particularly struck by the surprise ending. I like how many of the characters interests align, even though they are at odds with each other. I am curious to see how this plot will play out.
The Art: Guinaldo uses tight, detailed drawings against a changing color palate. The illustration perfectly matches the tone, and comprises of some exciting action scenes. This is a visually pleasing issue that is very transportive.