Blade #8
Marvel Comics
Written by Bryan Edward Hill
Art by Elena Casagrande
Colors by KJ Diaz
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Blade goes to Hell to find help against the Adana.
With few friends left and fewer people that trust him, Blade pays a visit to Satana in order to find a way into hell to find help against the Adana. After being told what he needs, he pays a visit to one person who might trust him enough to help him.
After Satana arrives, Blade travels to hell and seeks help, but finds a strange entity among the damned who might be his ticket to stopping the Adana once and for all.
The Story: Hill continues to create some great stories for Blade and this issue gives fans of the character more insight into the character. The story has some great moments for Blade and his allies. There isn’t a lot of action in the story, but that works because it takes time to showcase Blade’s relationships with others as well as his intent. Things I cannot wait to see explored in the next issue.
The Art: Casagrande’s art is fantastic. I love the beautifully detailed characters and environments and how immersive the imagery is.