Black Widow #7
Marvel Comics
Written by Kelly Thompson
Art by Elena Casagrande
Inks by Elena Casagrande and Elisabetta D’Amico
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Natasha continues to forge ahead with her life, but her past continues to affect her.

Black Widow has lost a lot both historically and recently. Something she thinks about as the young woman she rescued is trained by Yelena. While Yelena sees her as a potential weapon to be honed, Natasha is reminded of what happened to her in similar circumstances. Circumstances that lead her to clash with Yelena about the direction they are taking with Lucy.
In order to get closer to the people Lucy worked for, Widow recruits a familiar face to infiltrate the group for information. Something that causes more tension between she and Yelena. After breaking the tension, the two use their intel to find where Apogee is meeting and infiltrate the group. In the aftermath, Widow secures a prisoner for information, but things go from bad to worse when the extent of what is happening to Apogee’s followers is revealed.
The Story: Thompson continues to make Black Widow a more rounded and interesting character with each issue. Nat’s trauma continues to fuel her decisions, but they are also what seem to be focusing her evolving personal philosophy. There is some rich depth of character to be found throughout this issue and the series itself and that is what keeps bringing me back to her story.
The Art: Casagrande delivers some stunning visuals on every page. Not only is the style beautiful, but the emphasis on character makes everything feel more visually engaging to the reader.