Black Widow #4
Marvel Comics
Written by Kelly Thompson
Art by Elena Casagrande and Carlos Gomez
Colors by Jordie Bellaire and Federico Blee
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Widow wakes from her dream life but a new nightmare awaits.
After unsuccessfully trying to kill Natasha with the implant in her brain, the cabal of villains who teamed up to take her decide that their best course of action is to kill the Black Widow before she comes after each of them. A prospect that they all know is easier said than done. Madam HYDRA decides to send her forces in and Nat gives her fiancé a quick lesson in who she is before going after the home invaders and taking them out.

As the amount of henchmen increase, Nat gets some much needed backup and everyone manages to escape to one of Widow’s safe houses. As Nat puts the pieces of the last few months together for herself and James, more help arrives. With the danger growing, Nat must make some hard and heartbreaking decisions to keep her family safe.
The Story: Kelly Thompson takes the reader on an emotional roller coaster in this issue. Not only do we get awesome action and adventure throughout, but the tension in every page and panel is palpable. The dialogue is fantastic and seeing Widow in action with the goal of protecting her family gives the character additional depth. The plot moves smoothly and when it gets to a point of relative calm for the character, Thompson delivers an emotional gut punch that sends you reeling while setting you up to want more.
The Art: Casagrande and Gomez deliver some beautiful art throughout this issue. Not only do the different art styles compliment each other in the context of the story, but both the present story and the flashbacks deliver great action and imagery.