Black Panther #5
Marvel Comics
Written by Al Ewing
Art by Mike Chater
Colors by Andrew Dalhouse
Letters by Joe Sabino
The Rundown: T’Challa fights to force a ceasefire with rival forces while a darker presence looms in Wakanda.

With two warring criminal factions escalating their war in the streets of the city prompts the Black Panther to take more significant action. Actions that will force the two sides to deal with their growing tension and the threat to their business interests.
At the same time, one faction deals with internal strife and ambition while another turns to a dark power that has been looming over the events and could be taking a more active role in them.
The Story: Ewing seems to be moving things in a more interesting direction with Black Panther in this issue. Moving past the pseudo-Batman style antics T’Challa has been engaged in is the right move and might make this arc more engaging to fans of the character. I like the supernatural angle being teased in the story and it might bring me back to the series if it leads to more growth in the character and an evolution of his current mission.
The Art: Chater delivers some great art in the issue. The visuals have wonderful details throughout and the action is thrilling.