Black Panther #3
Marvel Comics
Written by John Ridley
Art by Juann Cabal and Ibrahim Moustafa
Colors by Matt Milla
Letters by Joe Sabino
The Rundown: Black Panther’s fight to rescue his agents will force him to visit an old friend.

T’Challa and Omolola are surrounded by assassins who seem to know not only their plans, but their tactics as well. After fighting off their attackers and being unable to capture one for questioning, T’Challa decides that he needs to change his tactics if he wants to find answers. One of the tactics means going off the grid and what better place to hide out where no human can find them than on Mars. At the same time, Shuri finds herself in the awkward position of having to deal with political fallout from her brother being gone.
On their trip, T’Challa is challenged by Omolola about the mission he sent his agents on and how they dealt with being away. His welcome on Mars is not entirely a happy one when Gentle expresses his hatred for his exile from Wakanda violently to his former king. As he spends time with Storm and continues to confront the fallout of his sleeper agent program and his personal loss, he gets another visit from Gentle. One that reveals an interesting twist.
The Story: Ridley crafts an entertaining and engaging story in this issue. The plot continues to be compelling in its examination of T’Challa, his choices and their consequences. I love seeing him doubt and that vulnerability allows for a richer, more interesting story to be told. I also really enjoyed the other two stories in this issue and how one takes a lighter tone and the other challenges the future of Wakanda.
The Art: Cabal and Moustafa create some awesome art in this issue. The action continues to be visually dynamic and the character moments are filled with great emotion and visual detail.