Black Panther #14
Marvel Comics
Written by John Ridley
Art by German Peralta
Colors by Jesus Aburtov
Letters by Joe Sabino
The Rundown: T’Challa finds himself with a new ally whose allegiance will cost him everything he holds dear.

After battling the Avenges, T’Challa and his forces find themselves being rescued by the forces of Namor and Atlantis. After a tense confrontation between Black Panther and Namor, the fight is interrupted by the Prime Minister who tells T’Challa that Wakanda has signed a treaty with Atlantis. A treaty that will take everything from T’Challa including his home.
After reluctantly agreeing to join Namor in battle, the teams proceed to make their way to the locations Jhai is holding. After an intense battle between the Black Panther, the Avengers and the forces of Atlantis, Jhai is cornered and awaits the final confrontation with T’Challa.
The Story: Ridley crafts some great action in a story that continues to spiral downward and not just for the characters. Ridley has taken one of the most technologically advanced civilizations on the planet and made them abjectly stupid politically with decisions that are completely opposite their own interests. Sacrificing T’Challa for a political ploy is just dumb and anyone who actually cares about these characters and this world could see that. I cannot wait for Ridley’s run to end and frankly, I hope he doesn’t come back anytime soon.
The Art: Peralta delivers some impressive battle scenes and I like the visual look of this issue a lot more than the story.