Black Cloak #10
Image Comics
Written by Kelly Thompson
Art by Meredith McClaren
Colors by Meredith McClaren
Letters by Becca Carey
The Rundown: Essex and Pax discover that the conspiracy they are investigating could be targeting the people close to them.

In the aftermath of an explosion at the prison, Pax and Essex demand to see the former Queen being held in the facility. As they meet with her to interrogate her, she reveals that is not the target and that all of them and the people they care about are in danger.
After leaving the prison, the pair go into panic mode as they move their loved ones to safety and wait for their witness to wake up. Unfortunately, they discover the person they have that can give them answers has become the victim of a powerful spell.
The Story: Thompson ramps up the suspense and tension throughout this issue. The mystery at the heart of this arc continues to unfold perfectly as red herrings are introduced and danger is threatened close to home for the characters. I liked seeing Essex deal with the consequences of her actions as well as how those actions have affected others around her. The story is filled with great character moments and evolves a great mystery that is still unfolding for both the characters and the reader.
The Art: McClaren delivers some beautiful art throughout the issue. I love the magical, ethereal nature of the visual style and how visually immersive everything is.