Birds of Prey #7
DC Comics
Written by Kelly Thompson
Art by Javier Pina
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Dinah leads a new team on a mission targeting one of their own.

Black Canary meets with Barbara Gordon to relay the information she received from their last mission. A mission Barbara was not allowed to be on. At the same time, Barda and Orphan work with Sin on her combat training. When Meridian relays the information she has, Barbara makes a connection to the force hunting them.
That connection brings them to Mari McCabe aka Vixen who needs their help with another matter. People are being arrested for various crimes and the only connecting thread are they are all wearing clothes that she designed. Clothes that caused her to almost be arrested herself for unknowingly attempting to steal some art.
The Story: Thompson continues to craft an entertaining and brilliantly engaging story in this issue. The story delivers some beautiful dialogue and character interactions and I love the wonderful tone of the story as it balances between drama and humor. Thompson creates some great moments for the characters while exploring their interpersonal dynamics. A fantastic story with a fun and interesting mystery to explore.
The Art: Pina delivers awesome art throughout the issue. The visuals are beautifully detailed and fun with fantastic character designs and a wonderful retro look in design and color.