Birds of Prey #1

DC Comics

Written by Kelly Thompson

Art by Leonardo Romero

Colors by Jordie Bellaire

Letters by Clayton Cowles

The Rundown: Black Canary needs to assemble a new team to conduct a dangerous personal mission.

Dinah has an issue. An issue that will require her to create a new Birds of Prey team. A team that cannot include Barbara. After securing help from Cassandra Cain, the two split up to gather the rest of the team including Zealot and Big Barda. Their next target becomes a little trickier when Cassandra recommends recruiting Harley Quinn.

After convincing Quinn to join the team, Dinah tells the others not only the personal connection she has to the target, but just how dangerous the rescue is going to be because of where this person is being held.

The Story: Thompson creates a fun, engaging story in this first issue. The story is filled with great action, thrills and mystery. I love the composition of this team and what Dinah is going through to get them together. Everything culminates in a revelation about the stakes of their mission and those stakes have me excited to see what happens next.

The Art: I love Romero’s art in the issue. The visual style is perfect for the tone of the story and the characters.

Birds of Prey #1



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