Netflix has signed Brutus Pink, the newly formed animation production company from Nick Kroll, Andrew Goldberg, Mark Levin and Jennifer Flackett — the creative team behind adult animated series Big Mouth — to a multi-year deal to produce animated series and films for its members worldwide. The four creators are set to receive an award for comedy writers of the year at Just For Laughs this coming weekend. The annual festival held in Montreal is the largest international comedy festival in the world.
Big Mouth is the fan beloved, critically-acclaimed and Emmy nominated adult animated comedy about the glorious nightmare that is puberty. Inspired by Kroll and Goldberg’s childhood, it follows a group of friends and their hormone monsters as they navigate adolescence, human sexuality, and coming of age. Season 3 returns this Fall and under the new deal Netflix has greenlit three more seasons of Big Mouth.
#BigMouth has been renewed for THREE more seasons!
Additionally, Brutus Pink (the newly formed animation production company from creators Nick Kroll, Andrew Goldberg, Mark Levin & Jennifer Flackett) have signed a multi-year deal to produce animated series and films for Netflix
— See What’s Next (@seewhatsnext) July 26, 2019
“Big Mouth brilliantly captures the most awkward phase in a person’s life, puberty, in a hilarious yet heartwarming way,” said Mike Moon, head of adult animation for Netflix. “We couldn’t be more excited to continue our relationship with Brutus Pink and bring more stories, more humor, and more hormones to Netflix members around the world.”
“Netflix has given us the best creative experience imaginable, and we’ve been able to build an amazing community of talented writers, actors, producers and artists. We’re thrilled to be continuing with everyone for years to come.” said the Brutus Pink team.