Batman vs Robin #3
DC Comics
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Mahmud Asrar and Scott Godlewski
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Letters by Steve Wands
The Rundown: To get to his son, Bruce will face a dangerous family reunion.

Batman finds one of his last planes and heads to Damian’s location with Alfred in tow. What he doesn’t know is that the rest of his family is waiting on the island as well and is being armed by Damian to take down Batman. At the same time, Nezha continues to drain magic users of their power and life while Damian deals with a reluctant prisoner.
Batman finds himself running a gauntlet of his former partners who not only want him dead, but tell him how he has failed them individually. As he faces off against Nightwing, he realizes that he has to do something unexpected to defeat him. Something that will reveal a truth that might just help him win the upcoming battle.
The Story: An entertaining and thought provoking story that explores some interesting themes with the character. Themes that are engaging to explore, but disappear at a moment that takes away the momentum the story is creating. The moments with Damian are good, but the grievances the others have with Bruce are the highlight of the story along with the emotional moment with Alfred.
The Art: Asrar and Godlewski deliver some great art throughout the issue. The visuals are thrilling, especially the fights between Batman and his former proteges.