Batman Three Jokers #2
DC Comics
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Jason Fabok
Colors by Brad Anderson
Letters by Rob Leigh
The Rundown: With one Joker down, the other two go looking for a third.
One of the three Jokers is dead at the hands of Jason Todd and the remaining two have their own issues to deal with. With the Comedian slowly losing his grip on reality, the Criminal decides to move up the timetable of their plan.

Meanwhile, Batman continues his investigation into the Jokers and is joined by Batgirl. She tells him what Jason has done and is worries about Batman’s reaction. Things become more complicated when Red Hood goes out on his own and finds himself at the scene of another experiment. With no backup, Jason will find himself in the hands of the two Jokers while Batman discovers part of their plan includes a ghost from his past.
The Story: Geoff Johns expands the mystery in this story and makes it more personal for its characters. Johns does a great job with the characters he’s chosen for this story. Both Barbara and Jason’s connections to the Joker are perfect and using them to show the different paths each took in the wake of their trauma is a great idea. Putting Batman in the middle of the story and connecting it to his past opens the story to some intriguing possibilities to come.
The Art: Jason Fabok has some fantastic art in this issue. The different looks of the Joker standout and Fabok captures their personalities perfectly, giving them unique looks that are universal but just different enough to be distinctive.