Batman the Knight #6
DC Comics
Written by Chip Zdarsky
Art by Carmine Di Giandomenico
Colors by Ivan Plascencia
Letters by Pat Brosseau
The Rundown: Bruce and Anton seek out a new teacher and Bruce learns a deadly lesson in trust.

Bruce and Anton locate their next teacher in the woods outside British Columbia. A man who is a master marksman with a dark personal history. After agreeing to train the pair, Bruce has to deal with not only taking life, but the prospect of training with guns. Things get even more tense when he learns the truth about why his new teacher stopped being a sniper. A story that hits close to home.
After Bruce and Anton go for a hunt in the woods, they return with their kill and their teacher immediately realizes that he made a mistake training one of them. A mistake that will end in murder for one of them and the realization that Bruce has put his faith and trust in the wrong person.
The Story: Zdarsky delivers a tense and intriguing story. The story does a great job of exploring Bruce’s trauma and emotions while also delivering a great mystery. I like how Bruce is being mentored by imperfect teachers who teach him just as much with their mistakes than they do with their skills. I also enjoy how Bruce’s ideas and ideals are constantly challenged by the reality of the people around him.
The Art: Giandomenico delivers some fantastic art in the issue. The environment of the issue is brilliantly rendered and you feel the cold and isolation of it.