Batman The Knight #3
DC Comics
Written by Chip Zdarsky
Art by Carmine Di Giandomenico
Colors by Ivan Plascencia
Letters by Pat Brosseau
The Rundown: Young Bruce Wayne questions if he’s ready for his mission as a dangerous killer begins to devolve.

The Paris police are talking to the victim of a robbery. A robbery that the victim discovers contains something important to him. Something that could incriminate him in a bigger crime spree plaguing the city. At the same time, Bruce Wayne finds himself confronted by a armed Henri Ducard who has his new partner at gunpoint. Bruce soon discovers that Ducard is there for a different reason than he thought. One that has everything to do with the wayward young man.
After a brief discussion, Ducard discovers what the pair stole and wants to know who they stole it from. After finding out what he wants to know, he tells the pair just how much danger they are in. While the three of them investigate the serial killer and the way he operates, the man himself makes a dramatic escape from his tail and makes a proclamation to the police with a time limit for someone powerful. A proclamation that Bruce believes might be a ruse for something even bigger.
The Story: The story takes some great turns in both tone and tension. Bruce’s naiveté continues to be a great character trait that allows the reader to empathize with him as he doubts the mission he has embarked on. There is some great drama in the story and moments that tease the darkness within the character of Bruce Wayne. The mystery is effective, entertaining and thrilling as well.
The Art: Carmine Di Giandomenico delivers some beautifully detailed and moody visuals. The imagery and art style complement the story perfectly and the art has some awesome visual thrills.