Batman The Knight #1
DC Comics
Written by Chip Zdarsky
Art by Carmine Di Giandomenico
Colors by Ivan Plascencia
Letters by Pat Brosseau
The Rundown: Bruce Wayne must deal with the darkness that is threatening to overtake him.
Young Bruce Wayne continues to deal with the emotional and psychological aftermath of his parents’ death. Unfortunately, his dealing with it is not socially acceptable to the point where Alfred decides to teach him a lesson about both his parents and what they stood for. To make things more interesting, Bruce has hired Hugo Strange to work with him and his emotional issues.
As he works through the nightmares that plague his young life, he begins to come up with a plan to both honor his parents and heal himself. A plan that the young woman who cares about him sees as becoming increasingly more dangerous. As Dana attempts to reach out to Bruce and keep him moving forward, the ghosts of his past push him to more dangerous and personally destructive pursuits. Pursuits that will bring him into more conflict with Alfred while also serving to help him focus on the next phase of his life.
The Story: Zdarsky takes an interesting approach to a familiar story with this first issue. Diving into the past of Bruce Wayne and the conflicts he has both external and internal on his journey yo becoming Batman is entertaining ground to be explored and this first issue does a good job of being both engaging and entertaining. One of the most compelling elements is the relationship between Bruce and Alfred and I like seeing how it is explored.
The Art: Carmine Di Giandomenico delivers some great art on every page of the issue. There are great character moments throughout and you get a beautiful visual sense of both the character and the conflicts.